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"Reposting this image is a violation of copyright law"

Ohh the artist is so concerned about copyright, how sweet!

Oh look, the same artist made artworks of characters from Fate/Stay Night, Genshin Impact, Fate/Grand Order, etc....

... but I guess those don't count right? using copyrighted characters to promote yourself as an artist and then having a fanbox ( = getting paid; profitting) it's totally ethical and fine, but don't you dare to repost his artworks uh, very unethical!

I'm fine with artists using copyright characters for the most part... I just don't like when they act like THEIR copyright / work matters and it's so precious while they can do whatever they please, even profiting, from someone else's copyrighted characters.
Marona762 said:
I'm fine with artists using copyright characters for the most part... I just don't like when they act like THEIR copyright / work matters and it's so precious while they can do whatever they please, even profiting, from someone else's copyrighted characters.
I've seen a pre-twitch era counter-argument from those. How without fanart, the original work isn't getting the additional exposure. And Blizzard's World of Warcraft legal stuff allegedly had in them the provisions encouraging 3rd party derivative content. The artists are just having a compensation for their time spent promoting the subject of the art. Whoever disagrees is a greedy corpo sell-out bastard.
Isn't Blizzard that same company that made a change to the user agreement where it has legal ownership to any map created by users to prevent another "Dota 2" ?

Btw, isn't reposting a similar argument when it comes to promoting as long as someone isn't claiming ownership of a work? I could say that me reposting this artist's work is... promoting him :d