This post has a child post. (post #1109038)

aria_(ariacue) bikini garter hololive swimsuits tail tattoo tokoyami_towa wet

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The artist also posted this and post #1109038 kind of production process, but is these also AI-assisted works?
hiroimo2 said:
The artist also posted this and post #1109038 kind of production process, but is these also AI-assisted works?
Don't think so (this just looks like typical manual drawing progress), at least their another work has a progress video published:
As far as I know AI generated programs can also produce process works. Someone told me that. Arsy maybe?
BattlequeenYume said:
As far as I know AI generated programs can also produce process works. Someone told me that. Arsy maybe?
No. AI programs can't do that. The only thing AI can do is finish sketch or unfinished works.
But still this post is suspicious because creator close comment on pixiv. If possible, please ask it on creator twitter.
Yeah it wasn't you it was someone else on another image board.
He said: "AI has been able to produce step-by-step for several months"
Well, I seen someone created some programs that can extract .psd layer from certain illustration. But it can't extract sketch or unfinished works.
Thanks everyone for your feedback.
I think that onionsdn necessary to present evidence that these are Ai-assisted works. If he/she doesn't have it, he/she should remove the deletion flag and the Ai-assisted tag.
I've waited 3 days and there is no clear evidence presented for this and post #1109038, so please mods please cancel the deletion flag once?
Could you show us the proof that you are AI-assisted with these pictures?
If this is a prank, please stop it.
All of his flags were approved in the past. So I doubt it's a prank.
Because creator not disable comments on twitter so can you ask it?
If the tweet suddenly disappear or delete your comments, then that's mean this posts using AI.
First of all, I think that those who sue AI-assisted have an obligation to clarify the evidence.
It's strange that the contributor has to focus on collecting evidence every time something like this happens.
One thing I've noticed is that AI-created images often mess the finer details in eyes. Doesn't seem to be case here, but of course artist could always redo that part. On the other hand, there's images like this; post #1108784 and that one isn't tagged so... /throws up hands
I'm sure 80% this posts is not AI-assisted, but still have question "Why turned off pixiv comments."
Arsy said:
I'm sure 80% this posts is not AI-assisted, but still have question "Why turned off pixiv comments."
Maybe they just got annoyed at people accusing them of using AI. I imagine all artists nowadays get accused of it quite often.
Arsy said:
I'm sure 80% this posts is not AI-assisted, but still have question "Why turned off pixiv comments."
If someone has made some insensitive comments in the past, the artist will. It's not possible to conclude whether AI is the cause or not.
Even if we want to find out if an AI assist was used, it shouldn't be done in a way that hurts someone's feelings.
If this will go on with every false flag or actual ai post then AI devs won in fooling everyone. Congrats on faithful and unstoppabale stream of pixiv hot garbage. Keep on mulling over trivial stuff that do not matter in the end. I wish it was sarcasm.
onionsdn provided evidence for the artist's explanation. Thanks for that.
I'll leave the rest up to the mod's discretion.