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Replaced with a few modifications.
hiroimo2 said:
Replaced with a few modifications.
I'm just being curious, how did you learn to decensor images? Is there any guide on how to redraw censored "parts" that I can learn online?

Any reply would be appreciated. And also, thank you for the good work!
I'm glad that you are interested in editing.
I studied editing by oneself.
I use the free software "Pixia" for editing. For me never drawn a picture like these, this software has enough functions for editing.

There are many helpful pictures here. You can find the one that suits the picture you want to edit from among them, and edit it by referring to it or imitating it.

There are many ways to do this. My method this time is as follows.
Edit overview
1. Find a good reference image and copy it. Ref post #1082010
2. Paste while matching the shape and size to the picture.
3. Adjust the color and brightness to match the picture.
4. Add colors so that the pasted picture and the original picture blend together.
[Edit:Add reference information] 
I have to say that this is an extraordinary restoration project, one that is beyond anything that can be found on the internet or in books about image processing.
I uploaded the Pixia data(.pxa) of this edit for reference. Please feel free to use it as a reference if you have Pixia.
I am using Pixia V4.x, but I also uploaded the file for V6.x.

For Pixia v4.x

For Pixia v6.x
hiroimo2 said:
I'm glad that you are interested in editing.
I studied editing by oneself.
I use the free software "Pixia" for editing. For me never drawn a picture like these, this software has enough functions for editing.

There are many helpful pictures here. You can find the one that suits the picture you want to edit from among them, and edit it by referring to it or imitating it.

There are many ways to do this. My method this time is as follows.
Edit overview
1. Find a good reference image and copy it. Ref post #1082010
2. Paste while matching the shape and size to the picture.
3. Adjust the color and brightness to match the picture.
4. Add colors so that the pasted picture and the original picture blend together.
[Edit:Add reference information] 
Thank you so much for the instructions (and the files)! I'm gonna do it myself and see how it goes!