This post has a child post. (post #1135641)

genshin_impact keqing kyo32181 nipples no_bra pantyhose pussy uncensored undressing

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Seems like the artist of this use post #1124336 as reference. There are some similarities but also differences. So it's not a straight up copy.
What does the mods think?

Unfortunately the artist deleted these versions from Pixiv. Maybe bc they are uncensored.
BattlequeenYume said:
Seems like the artist of this use post #1124336 as reference. There are some similarities but also differences. So it's not a straight up copy.
What does the mods think?

Unfortunately the artist deleted these versions from Pixiv. Maybe bc they are uncensored.
Version on X still exists:

As for the copycat issue: IMHO, although it isn't an exact copy, it's still "stolen" from the original in terms of idea (not cosplay nor parody of the original), so It's still a no to me. But this needs inputs from other Mods.