This post has child posts. (post #1136774, 1136775, 1136776)

blue_archive bra halo loli natsume_iroha open_shirt pantsu pinki_o64 uniform

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Unified all Posts under this set as open_shirt - with her coat keeping under the same situation, she won't suddenly topless just because her bra is gone, or become naked_cape just because her pantsu is gone as well.

Same goes to other set of Posts having similar situations like this one.
moonian said:
Unified all Posts under this set as open_shirt - with her coat keeping under the same situation, she won't suddenly topless just because her bra is gone, or become naked_cape just because her pantsu is gone as well.

Same goes to other set of Posts having similar situations like this one.
naked_cape 要掛在肩膀上才算嗎?每次碰到這種我都不確定要不要加
whitespace1 said:
naked_cape 要掛在肩膀上才算嗎?每次碰到這種我都不確定要不要加

P.S. 衣袖與上衣本身分開的(即「detached sleeves」)除外