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i really like this artist so i upload some photos here,but i dont know the rules about uploading, is these photos right?
This post looks okay.

Duplicate, upscaled and low-res images, furry and blacklisted artists are the majorly unwelcome things here. Don't post poorly done art and/or your own artwork here.
Folks here also frown upon large numbers of images uploaded in quick succession, as well as when people don't tag, mistag their uploads. Don't go inventing general-type tags, their number is kept low on purpose.
Do provide source (as explained in guidelines, go to "Wiki" in the pane above, and "how to" guides from there) for the image, if possible.
yrumddldluxduzrf said:
This post looks okay.

Duplicate, upscaled and low-res images, furry and blacklisted artists are the majorly unwelcome things here. Don't post poorly done art and/or your own artwork here.
Folks here also frown upon large numbers of images uploaded in quick succession, as well as when people don't tag, mistag their uploads. Don't go inventing general-type tags, their number is kept low on purpose.
Do provide source (as explained in guidelines, go to "Wiki" in the pane above, and "how to" guides from there) for the image, if possible.
thanks alot