
blue_archive flippy_(cripine111) halo joumae_saori see_through thighhighs

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I'd never get that close to a window so high, I don't care how strong is that glass....
Marona762 said:
I'd never get that close to a window so high, I don't care how strong is that glass....
There is glass capable of withstanding the bottom of the ocean, vaccuum of space, large caliber bullets, etc. Even normal car window glass you probably can't break with your fists.

You'd be fine. Just ask the birds that regularly fly into skyscraper windows at full speed and break all their bones instantly and don't leave a scratch.
Scevenex said:
There is glass capable of withstanding the bottom of the ocean, vaccuum of space, large caliber bullets, etc. Even normal car window glass you probably can't break with your fists.

You'd be fine. Just ask the birds that regularly fly into skyscraper windows at full speed and break all their bones instantly and don't leave a scratch.
Irrattional fears cannot be dealt with rationality
A football athlete wanted to demonstrate how difficult it was to break the window glass of the high-rise he worked at. He slammed into it with all his weight, and he was right, the window didn't break, but the frame gave way.
Genex said:
A football athlete wanted to demonstrate how difficult it was to break the window glass of the high-rise he worked at. He slammed into it with all his weight, and he was right, the window didn't break, but the frame gave way.
lmao RIP