
« Previous Next » This post is #9 in the Megami #118 2010-03 pool.

himari isono_satoshi kuzaki_rinko omamori_himari pantsu seifuku thighhighs

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And what are they looking at? An ant?
Not a boy that has fallen down, they aren't blushing enough.
AZD-A9S said:
And what are they looking at? An ant?
Not you!
A bright red face,so they're looking at a boy.
Their looking at you, knowing what YOUR looking at.
footloose said:
Their looking at you, knowing what YOUR looking at.
Grammar, seriously.
woshizym said:
Not you!

footloose said:
They're looking at you, knowing what YOUR looking at.
So none of these girls are tsunderes then since not one of them is mad.
(I don't know the series if anyone is wondering. Just going by what I see.)
Knowing the pic, they are both blushing and smilling, it most be someone they like (not saying it is a boy or a girl).