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@Genex: Do NOT embed the name of the title to the end of its character's tag if disambiguation is unnecessary.
So if the character's full name is enough to show what series it belongs to, don't attach the series.

Ichinose Asuna does not need the Blue Archive title, but Asuna would.
Genex said:
So if the character's full name is enough to show what series it belongs to, don't attach the series.

Ichinose Asuna does not need the Blue Archive title, but Asuna would.
asuna_(sword_art_online) should also be replaced by yuuki_asuna, unless her character’s nickname must be preferred to her real name (but konno_yuuki is tagged by her real name.

Post your request in the forum.
Trit said:
asuna_(sword_art_online) should also be replaced by yuuki_asuna, unless her character’s nickname must be preferred to her real name (but konno_yuuki is tagged by her real name.

Post your request in the forum.
Better if Tag Implications is used instead of Tag Aliases, which means "in-game character name + real-life name" when shown as a certain in-game character, and "real-life name" alone when showing their real-life appearance.
moonian said:
Better if Tag Implications is used instead of Tag Aliases, which means "in-game character name + real-life name" when shown as a certain in-game character, and "real-life name" alone when showing their real-life appearance.

  • 各個角色在作為作品標題的第1部劇中作sword_art_online中的遊戲形象,因為劇情原因全部和現實形象一樣(極少數像是lisbeth僅髮色和現實中有區別)(leafasinon在遊戲的平行世界中,則因為從後面提到的其他遊戲穿越過來所以基本沿用原遊戲的形象)
  • 像是alfheim_onlinegun_gale_online僅為劇中作的名字,卻也被創建了tag,因此完全可以採用劇中作+角色名的形式來篩選角色的遊戲形象
  • 各個主要角色在alfheim_online中的形象是在現實形象的基礎上根據種族改變髮色,並變為精靈耳或者貓耳,本質上還是同現實形象差不多(kirigaya_suguhaleafa這樣形象變化比較大的,我認為採用你說的那種形式也沒問題)
  • gun_gale_online的主要角色就kiritosinon(UW篇有提到其他主要角色會進入該遊戲,不過這部分內容超出我的知識範圍了),前者是偽娘形象,後者僅髮色同現實形象asada_shino不一樣
  • sword_art_online_alicization中主角是現實形象,幾個女主角則是alfheim_online遊戲形象去掉獸耳或精靈耳,其他角色則是直接使用alfheim_online的形象
  • 綜上,同一遊戲名對應的遊戲形象也不止一個,除非根據具體遊戲分別創建tag,不然也起不了區分的作用