
hakkaya tokumi_yuiko

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A perfect example of why you should de-bind your artbook before scanning.
It looks like its from magicu
Very true. But I didn't do it, but I wouldn't mess up my artbook or such just to scan it though.
aoie_emesai said:
Very true. But I didn't do it, but I wouldn't mess up my artbook or such just to scan it though.
Which is why I've never scanned any of mine. I haven't got the heart to take a knife to them.
Radioactive said:
Which is why I've never scanned any of mine. I haven't got the heart to take a knife to them.
I understand that, but I don't wanna go buying another one too. I've paid up to 60$ for some of the imports I had to buy in America. Which was a ripoff, but I wanted it ^^. It was the Fujitsubo -machino by Noizi Ito.
Just this Comiket I spent about 500+ dollars on doujinshi. Importing stuff is expensive :x
admin2 said:
Just this Comiket I spent about 500+ dollars on doujinshi. Importing stuff is expensive :x
>.< (that's a doozer there, admin2) I spent about 200$ at last years con, but i'm not in the spending habit at the moment. There's lots of comiket stuff I wanted too. Some Mikeou, some Mitsumi Misato, some Naru Nanao stuff and some Miki Miyashita stuff.
is most of C73 limited ? Or can most be brought afterwards ?
Some items are limited, others can be bought after c73.
MDGeist said:
is most of C73 limited ? Or can most be brought afterwards ?
It depends. About 30% of the stuff will be hard to find afterward, the rest will be on yahoo Japan auction aftwerward.
admin2 - 1.hehehe Cups? ^_^
2. You better post those berry scans up soon ^^ (I got this dying question i've been wanting to get answered. What is Berry Heart? A collection of maid styled outfits from many different artists like Naru Nanao, Aoi Kimizuka, Mitsumi Sasaki, Hiro Suzuhira?)
3.(I don't see any images here and I can't read Japanese so i'll let you explain that one) Nvm, that's not your user name >.<. Yup just like you I have to use deputy service to buy my stuff from yahoo japan auction too.
4. Oh! ^_^ I love the artwork for Happy Birthday's artwork. Post them up too.
5. You love Noizi Ito, don't you admin2? ^^
6. The image is sorta blurry, I can't tell what they are.
7. Mikeou?
8. Keep the Eeji Komatsu stuff coming too ^_^.
I'll have them in my hands in a month or so.
2, I'm not sure, it seems to be some sort of project, there was a small visual novel that came out with a few of the characters last comiket, it was using Navel's engine, could be a future product?
3, Is chronolog, almost complete set, missing one book and cd, small loss but I can't afford the other two heh
5, Yep
6, Is cut a dash
7, Nope,
8, yeps

Waiting on a few more to finish..
admin2 said:
7, Nope,

Waiting on a few more to finish..
Oh it was the nekoneko group, eh? And omg, the artwork looks so similar too >.<
May I ask what buying service your using, As I presume your not living in Japan.
Due to the holidays most bidding services were closed, the only one I knew that was open was this one:

Other times I use because they have an automated bidding system while goody does not
After reading some opinions on them, I decided to use Shopping Mall Japan, but I haven't tried a service from them yet, but I liked it cause of the warehouse method. Bulk shipping ^^