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halo itokonoue_kaoru project_kv seifuku sukaliya sweater sword

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Rip KV
You was good while you lasted
Deadhunt said:
Rip KV
You was good while you lasted
Any ideas why it got terminated so abruptly? Is it "too similar to Blue Archive" (development team were former employees of the company that develops that game)?
moonian said:
Any ideas why it got terminated so abruptly? Is it "too similar to Blue Archive" (development team were former employees of the company that develops that game)?
Ngl, I haven't read that much into situation, but it seems a mix of this (just halo things alone is a lot) + the fact, that it's way too little time passed between those devs leaving company and announcing the game.
Also apparently KR fanbase was *really* not happy with KV for some reason.
On a side not, Jesus Christ, the amount of futa arts for this is insane
Deadhunt said:
Ngl, I haven't read that much into situation, but it seems a mix of this (just halo things alone is a lot) + the fact, that it's way too little time passed between those devs leaving company and announcing the game.
Also apparently KR fanbase was *really* not happy with KV for some reason.
Thanks for the info!

Yes, that unusual short period of time might get the devs of the axed game a great trouble, especially if their employment contracts with their former employer has a term like "joining a company that directly competes with our company within [a certain period of time] after resignation is prohibited".