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Never noticed this until you made a comment amonrei. Thanks.
Mistress is holding this so that's why I didn't see it in Touhou's tags.

I must say I actually like this considering it's yuri (Somewhat).
There are a lot of tricky posts like this post #125692 post #125690
Thanks Debbie.

Those are interesting...and tricky like you said.

Ugh...Aurelia must have a bunch waiting to be delivered...and here I'm watching Radioactive. Might as well leave my computer on and just restart every day sitting on Touhou.
At least not as bad on Danbooru. Impossible.

The Earth loves Touhou.
AZD-A9S said:
Ugh...Aurelia must have a bunch waiting to be delivered...
You can always check holds:only and the pools.
Thanks van. I'll keep that in mind.
Debbie said:
There are a lot of tricky posts like this post #125692 post #125690
Oh god. Those two pics are awesome
Stupid question: what does this "holds:only" mean? are "holds" like waiting for sth?...or what are those?
holds is used to avoid separate uploading ("you are limited to upload 10 images/day blah blah things other sites have), and helps a pool sorting and mass tagging. also it gives time to check the quality of edits. I only use holds for every uploads (even I know almost scans are being uploaded on other sites before I released)
Hmm...makes sense :P Thanks midzki.