
akiyama_mio guitar k-on! mille pantyhose

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Wow it's really bad 80's hair on the right and 80's outfit on the left.
Curly hair > straight hair
In the volume of hairspray or mouse, you are absolutely right :)
I thought that the girls look pretty good in those outfits in the new ED actually. But Mio shown on the right here looks so un-Mio (and acts it too for that matter), that I find it incredibly bizarre that she's Mio. But it definitely looks like that's who she's supposed to be.
bakaneko said:
Wow it's really bad 80's hair on the right and 80's outfit on the left.
Hey, don't forget that the 80's had some kick-arse music, too.
Kalessin said:
I thought that the girls look pretty good in those outfits in the new ED actually. But Mio shown on the right here looks so un-Mio (and acts it too for that matter), that I find it incredibly bizarre that she's Mio. But it definitely looks like that's who she's supposed to be.
Did Mio get more mature?
(I really need to have some free time to watch all of K-On!)
Mio was the most mature looking of them all though.

Hachiko said:
Hey, don't forget that the 80's had some kick-arse music, too.
Absolutely agree - though I prefer the 70's - both the music and the clothes.
Mmm, I love Mio outfits. This ones, the past ones...
I would love to wear Mio's style. ´7`