
cura gothic_delusion lo lose

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Played the demo version of the game, it's O(≧∇≦)O
one problem is it's beyond my CPU.. the animation effects are a bit slow down (´;ω;`)
How is it,
midzki said:
Played the demo version of the game, it's O(≧∇≦)O
one problem is it's beyond my CPU.. the animation effects are a bit slow down (´;ω;`)
And... how is it? *_*
As good as the preview shows?
the novel part of the game is as same as preview show, must be the most active visual novel superior than fate/hollow. the main story isn't started in this demo version, so can't tell the story's good or not. but even just watching scenes is very interesting (*´∇`*)
here is the link

btw, the artist cura is now 21, so he started drawing this game from his teens (`・∀・´)
Thankies midzki >ω<
I'll try it~
Certainly one of the best newcomer visual novel in the past years.
Anyone'd listen at least the songs. they're pretty cool.