
saigyouji_yuyuko touhou windyakuma yakumo_yukari

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I wonder what's happened to make Yukari of all people (youkai?) cry?
Naked_Flame said:
I wonder what's happened to make Yukari of all people (youkai?) cry?
Her precious friend died (which would later become a ghost).
AZD-A9S said:
Her precious friend died (which would later become a ghost).
The prologue of Yukari and Yuyuko forbidden love?
I wouldn't of thought that Yukari and Yuyuko would know each other from that long ago - besides, Yuyuko was a human then and Yukari has always been a youkai, I doubt they would've been friends.
At any rate Yuyuko lost all of her memories when she committed suicide.

I stand corrected; as it turns out Yukari did know Yuyuko before she died and they were indeed friends.
Yukari still doesn't feel like the type to cry over anything to me though.