
cirno hakurei_reimu hinanawi_tenshi kochiya_sanae konpaku_youmu saigyouji_yuyuko sakurano_ruu touhou

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I never would've guessed that the middle-left was Cirno, if it hadn't been for the ➈ just above her.
Cirno and I are two different ➈s (Copy and pasted from Naked Flame's post). She made the number 9 look bad.

AZD-A9S said:
Actually, it was neither - it was ZUN himself.
In a manual for one of the games, he displayed a screenshot from the game with a series of circled numbers explaning what everything was.
Cirno was listed as ➈ バカ ("baka" - idiot).
Hence, from then onward, she's become synonymous with ➈ (either read as "nine", or "nine-ball").

Okay, my spoiler thingy isn't working correctly.
Screw the spoiler thingy.
No more Cirno day for another 99 years.

Naked_Flame said:
Okay, my spoiler thingy isn't working correctly.
Yeah, double spoiler doesn't work for me too.
Silvance said:
double spoiler
That's the name of a Touhou game.
Naked_Flame said:
That's the name of a Touhou game.
Yep, both doesn't work for me.