
headphones kawashiro_nitori kurione touhou

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If you catch any fish, take them here: Post #140817
If this counts as a headphone,what manner is that of an earplug?
Lamentor said:
If this counts as a headphone,what manner is that of an earplug?
earplugs count as headphones, having different tags for each would be utterly stupid
Azarel said:
earplugs count as headphones, having different tags for each would be utterly stupid
Panties and pantsu,for instance?
Lamentor said:
Panties and pantsu,for instance?
No, because those ARE the same thing.
There is a definable difference between headphones and earplugs, but for easier tagging and searching they are thrown together.
An example is how bass guitar just gets tagged guitar, even although one could define the differences.
SciFi said:
No, because those ARE the same thing.
There is a definable difference between headphones and earplugs, but for easier tagging and searching they are thrown together.
An example is how bass guitar just gets tagged guitar, even although one could define the differences.
It's a general tag. All ear buds are headphones but not all headphones are ear buds.
The discussion should have ended there.
Lamentor - You know, it goes to the e-mail field... But as this isn't a futaba channel, may you shouldn't use it here.