
dress k-on! kippu kotobuki_tsumugi

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Kinda related AND unrelated request:

Can someone please upload these 2 vectors? I'd do it myself, but I dun have the sign removing skills.!/item288775/!/item288874/
Maybe if you first re-uploaded it somewhere else where people don't have to pay. And also the second one is a jpeg-- you could do it in MS Paint. (Not that I'm encouraging it)
... can I just upload it here? :D

I mean, the signed thing would be the only fault.

Also, I don't have enough papers :( Only one for now.
Upload them, upload them, erase the sign first...
Never Ever save a JPEG in MS Paint.
It's ratio is stuck at something like 70% quality, you should be using 95+%
SciFi said:
Never Ever save a JPEG in MS Paint.
It's ratio is stuck at something like 70% quality, you should be using 95+%
So what would be 100%?
AZD-A9S said:
So what would be 100%?
MirrorMagpie said:
I thought PNG would be the 95% Sci was talking about.
So...well okay.
100% Quality JPEG will still get some compression compared to BMP.
TIFF is just an old format to do what most file systems can do to any image format now - eg. apply tags

PNG is a loss-less compression, it does things like just say "see above" when you have a column of the image that is the same.