
fixme ito_noizi johan pheles shakugan_no_shana

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Lots of characters that haven't been introduced (other than Pheles and Johan). Was wondering... the Hogu Pheles gave Kazumi looks a lot like those crosses.
Wererat42 said:
Lots of characters that haven't been introduced (other than Pheles and Johan). Was wondering... the Hogu Pheles gave Kazumi looks a lot like those crosses.
I know, and I bet in some episode these characters will be introduced. I bet they are all Denizens.
I can see a 3rd season happening since the novels are still on going.
Yeah, me too. I bet the second season is going end in vol.14(?) at least. Because from what I see, there are currently 15 episodes and there will be 16 this week, and there will be 8 more episodes left, which will end at March 27, 2008. I don't think they have enough episodes to put things from the recent novels in the remaining episodes. As you saw in the Zero no Tsukaima post, which tells us that there is going to be a 3rd season, I bet there will be a 3rd season of Shakugan no Shana too.
In worst case, I bet there can be a possibility of a 4th season too. I wonder if the producers are going to make a 2nd movie?
I just found out there are going to be 18 volumes of Shakugan no Shana light novels. I wonder if there will be more though?...
If they make a 2nd movie I hope they do the war and the previous shakugan.
That would be Vol.10 of Shakugan no Shana.