This post has a child post. (post #145555)

fingering hirasawa_yui k-on! loli nakano_azusa nipples no_bra open_shirt pantsu seifuku shouji_ayumu yuri

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Her nipples are vertical slits. It looks odd.
Indeed, can somebody skilled replace that with band-aids?
What's the appeal of bandaids? whenever i see one, i figure the artist got lazy and they look so silly too
Your statement is entirely too true Fuzzy!!! XD
LOL. I love the expression on Azusa's face. She's not freaking out or disgusted or anything normal. She's merely looking at Yui like Yui's lost her mind.
Kalessin said:
LOL. I love the expression on Azusa's face. She's not freaking out or disgusted or anything normal. She's merely looking at Yui like Yui's lost her mind.
Not much to lose there bro