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I think author (or may be the one who cropped this image) doesn't understand a thing about a symmetry. He/she should have cut this picture 428 pixels more to the right so that the border have passed through her nose. This way there will be no unnecessary information in this picture.
Just bitching, nothing special. :)
theoristxxi said:
I think author (or may be the one who cropped this image) doesn't understand a thing about a symmetry. He/she should have cut this picture 428 pixels more to the right so that the border have passed through her nose. This way there will be no unnecessary information in this picture.
Just bitching, nothing special. :)
Clearly, you do not realize that the picture was obviously not meant to be symmetrical in the first place.
Notice the slight headtilt and other smaller details ?
Symmetry in art is kind of taboo when it comes to organic things because they look better when slightly off (otherwise they look lifeless)