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Hmm, I don't seem to have this page in my Form Code scans. Am I missing stuff? This work in this book is incredible.
I own the Form Code artbook & I can't find it. Anyone else know?

Form Code is the jewel of my collection BTW.
I can't believe I'm thinking about buying a $100+ artbook.

How many pages is yours? (I only have about 107 scans, and I know there are more pages than that, but maybe the scanner left out interview pages.)
Count the pages? Are you mad?

There are all sorts of pamphlets, and inserts in this 'book' Well worth the money.
100 dollars isn't much, I've spent over 100 dollars for a 15 page doujinshi >_>;;
Out of morbid curiosity, for which?
Ice & Choco (Naru Nanao and Kokonobi) doujin, I don't remember the title of the top of my head right now.
admin2 said:
Ice & Choco (Naru Nanao and Kokonobi) doujin, I don't remember the title of the top of my head right now.
I'd pay 100$ for that too, lol ^^. To own one of those would be great.