
anonimasu ass seifuku thighhighs

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She has two left hands...
Lilim said:
She has two left hands...
Oh geez, such a glaring mistake :D
Maybe she's like Bill the Galactic Hero who ends up with two right arms. How? He lost his left arm in battle, and the doctor was out of left arms, so he used a right arm that he had available. Some of the book covers are really funny because they artist really drew him with two right arms. (The cover on Wikipedia does have him with two right arms, but it's harder to tell on it, some of the later ones are much more obvious.) ( ̄~ ̄;)
Manabi said:
Maybe she's like Bill the Galactic Hero who ends up with two right arms. How? He lost his left arm in battle, and the doctor was out of left arms, so he used a right arm that he had available. Some of the book covers are really funny because they artist really drew him with two right arms. (The cover on Wikipedia does have him with two right arms, but it's harder to tell on it, some of the later ones are much more obvious.) ( ̄~ ̄;)
Haha! Ive seen enough weird anime for that to be a feasible plot point in the artwork! :D