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I heard "xp3dumper" can extract the game cgs but I didn't try it.
That's a playa right there!
goddamn pimp in the middle
And that's just the trial version!
midzki said:
I heard "xp3dumper" can extract the game cgs but I didn't try it.
It's never easy to extract a xp3, for every Commercial KIRIKIRI 3 XP Package File has a unique encryption key
Extract data had supported most XP3 before the developer had been sued by minori. After this incident, most extract tools are developed by Chinese but I don't know much about them.
(someone extracted this game with dumper btw)
gawl said:
goddamn pimp in the middle
Exactly the same thing that I was thinking. Great image caught my attention.
so many english,I just hope there are some OTAKUs in sweden
is the english title for this game the same as the french caption <in search of the lost future>?
the story I guessed after played the demo
this exists in french? Cause im from Québec, so where do we get it?
elpizo said:
this exists in french? Cause im from Québec, so where do we get it?
no i dont suppose you'll get it in french...except for the title

i think there is a novel(series) named À la recherche du temps perdu(失われた時を求めて) by french novelist Marcel Proust. so this game's title seems like a parody to me.

anyway, it's out on 26 nov, woo hoo!
Lol I like how his glance isnt anywhere near any of them xD