
chibi crossdress imitation_black_(vocaloid) kagamine_len kaito male shimada_(pretz) vocaloid

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This post was deleted. Reason: fugly.
Lol what.
Amperrior said:
Lol what.
blooregardo - Please stop deleting images for subjective reasons.
I agree those are far too less cute they should be... But is that really reason to remove pics? *rolling eyes*

Image quality would be more appropriate reason for deleting, though.
I still think it's crap (for what it is)
I guess 'art is subjective' would be a good quote to use right now...
blooregardo said:
I still think it's crap (for what it is)
It's not up to me whether you like it or not. If everyone thinks the same as you do, then it's fine by me if you flag it, because of course I hate the idea of spamming Imouto with disgusting images. But there might actually be someone who enjoys this art, as I do. So I suppose it's up to the rest of the users what you do with the image.

I was simply pointing out that the reason you gave for deletion was rather humorous.
Amperrior said:
But there might actually be someone who enjoys this art, as I do.
Amperrior said:
I was simply pointing out that the reason you gave for deletion was rather humorous.
Yes, as the image itself.
blooregardo said:
Yes, as the image itself.
While it's not my favorite image (mainly because it's not characters I like from Vocaloid), I've seen many things here on oreno.imouo that are, far, far uglier and they weren't deleted. Not just older stuff either, but even more recent stuff. Like post #160919 And yes, that one seems to be rather popular, but I think it's one of the ugliest pieces of art on the site. ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ