
just 'cause,
You're using up your allowance too fast.
...woke up?
Special price for Onii-chan only.
If you cum inside, 10000 yen.
Your cock, 5000 yen.
If insert your finger, 2000 yen.
h_na pantsu sex thighhighs yui_toshiki

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Lanford said:
Translate please !
translation finished adding (sorry for my poor english

this manga is too interesting
gnarf1975 said:
Does the story continuing? Or where can i get the complete dojin? (Torrent or something)
this story is the 4 pages only

well, I am not much concerned. 好きにしろ、もう
khankazz165 said:
well, I am not much concerned. 好きにしろ、もう
Thanks, but i can´t read japanese
Very few people except linguists and Japanese still use macrons in romanization. It's unnecessary, and it's a pain (most people can't even enter them on their keyboard).
petopeto said:
Very few people except linguists and Japanese still use macrons in romanization. It's unnecessary, and it's a pain (most people can't even enter them on their keyboard).
Í ćáń óńĺý t́ýṕé t́h́éśé…
I actually can type them, but I don't bother with them, since the romanization system I use doesn't use them... (yeah, I don't live in US...)

Romanization of japanese has always been quite a PITA as everyone tends to use different romanization rules, goh.
Since authorities adopt it (= the way dropping the 2nd vowel when 2 vowels sequenced) and write it on offices and stations all over the country, anyone has no chance to rectify it in Japan (that must need tremendous money).
FYI, it' not phonologically correct. because Japanese is hiatus, not diphthong.
It's not really up to Japan: romanization isn't for Japanese, it's for everyone else. Sort of analogously, English speakers don't decide how English words are written in katakana.
petopeto said:
Very few people except linguists and Japanese still use macrons in romanization. It's unnecessary, and it's a pain (most people can't even enter them on their keyboard).
Not to mention that most people have no clue at all how to pronounce all those characters they never see anywhere else. A person may have a decent chance of guessing how to pronounce onii if they have some understanding of Japanese vowel sounds, but throw onī at them and they'll have no clue at all. ( ̄へ ̄)

Lengthy comment that's probably tl;dr
shuo shihua zuowei tianchao de wo laishuo [shenshoudang] hao wu ya li