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Can we please not talk about plot elements of running shows? Some of us are waiting for the widescreen releases, and even for shows running sensibly (stupid delayed widescreen, WTF?), people shouldn't have to be on guard for spoilers when using an imageboard ...

If you want to post spoilers please start a Clannad spoilers thread in the forum.

Some of you don't seem to listen...
jxh2154 said:
I vote we enforce one week bans for repeat spoiler violations at this point.
does danboo have a ban feature to begin with? ^^
It does.


Blocked Accounts

Your account may have been marked as blocked. Blocked accounts can't upload posts, and they can't post comments or post to the forum. You can still make tag changes, keep favorites, edit the wiki, and edit notes. Blocks last one week.
OK. Banning will be used for repeat offenders.
Well to be fair there is no commenting guidelines in the Terms of Serivce or the Help page so I'm not sure where users would see not to post spoilers in comments. Should it be common sense? Maybe. But adding a disclaimer somewhere might reduce the number of offenders, especially first time ones, and make your jobs a little easier.
happyguy said:
Well to be fair there is no commenting guidelines in the Terms of Serivce or the Help page so I'm not sure where users would see not to post spoilers in comments. Should it be common sense? Maybe. But adding a disclaimer somewhere might reduce the number of offenders, especially first time ones, and make your jobs a little easier.
Good point. Does anyone else see changes we should make to the ToS?
happyguy said:
Well to be fair there is no commenting guidelines in the Terms of Serivce or the Help page
Not posting spoilers (without warning) is just common sense. People shouldn't have to be instructed in this ...
Just to play devil advocate here, if you start putting things that everybody doesn't like in the ToS you'll end up being like MT. Soon, you'll have so many rules that anyone wishing to join will need a lawyer to be able to do so. If you want to be democratic about it put it to a vote. And as far as I'm concerned (and that's just me) I could care less about spoilers :)
You don't need to enumerate everything people shouldn't be doing; people will always be obnoxious in new and innovative ways.

By the way, I think posting guidelines would be better in the wiki, next to the tag guidelines, with just the critical stuff in the TOS. I think it'd be more likely to actually be read there, too: most people are desensitized to TOS's and tend to skim past them, and people need the tag guidelines in the wiki anyway.

Wraith said:
Just to play devil advocate here, if you start putting things that everybody doesn't like in the ToS you'll end up being like MT. Soon, you'll have so many rules that anyone wishing to join will need a lawyer to be able to do so. If you want to be democratic about it put it to a vote. And as far as I'm concerned (and that's just me) I could care less about spoilers :)
A small disclaimer about spoilers is not going to clutter anything. It shouldn't be assumed that users are familiar with posting guidelines which are not found anywhere. Some people care about spoilers (e.g. petopeto) while some don't (e.g. Wraith).

Take a look at the Animesuki forums. They post a short disclaimer at the start of every episode thread and it seems to work well as I've hardly seen spoilers being posted. Either that or they've got very active moderators.

And I never knew a spoiler tag even existed until I started digging around yesterday. Greater awareness of posting guidelines and tools like the spoiler tag can only help, not hurt.

Anyway I vote that any further discussion be continued on the forums and these OT comments deleted. Comments for an image is not a good place to discuss site policies.
petopeto said:
You don't need to enumerate everything people shouldn't be doing; people will always be obnoxious in new and innovative ways.
Exactly, and why start now? Just because some don't like it doesn't mean all don't. I'd hate to see Moe.Imouto become a political playground. Anyway, I don't care if spoilers are used or not, I don't care if some one posts loli even though I don't like loli (and I'm sure I'm not alone on that one) but I'm not going to jump up and say 'Hey I don't like loli so don't post them' I just don't look.
Like what happyguy suggested lets bring this to the forums. Lets try to get all these things clarified.

I started a topic -->
(not relevant to the TOS discussion so left it here)
Wraith said:
but I'm not going to jump up and say 'Hey I don't like loli so don't post them' I just don't look.
By the way, don't forget that you can set the loli/shota tags in your account's tag blacklist if you want to filter them out globally.
Yes I know, thanks for the info though. I've already blacklisted one artist who's primarily a loli artist. But that's still a nice scan of Clanned female characters. And I know nothing about Clanned either. For some reason it never really caught my eye.