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akemi_homura dress kaname_madoka mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica miki_sayaka seifuku taniguchi_junichirou tomoe_mami

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Yet another Mahou Shoujo series.
unapoligetically at that :) I wonder if Kirino's tastes in anime are pushing the hands of the network execs? Will we see the spin-off shows from Oreno?
I believe this is the one Shaft is doing, so there might be a surprise or two in store.
This anime is actually a spin off from that one Zetsubou Sensei episode where everything turned mahou shoujo, which is why it's not too surprising that Shaft's in on it since they did work the Zetsubou Sensei series. For me, the notable people working on this are Shinbo Akiyuki, Aoki Ume, Urobuchi Gen, and Kajiura Yuki.
Nowadays, no one will be surprised when Mahou Shoujo are equipped with sword, gun and bow...
sakurapremier said:
Yet another Mahou Shoujo series.
Oh, how inaccurate this turned out to be. =D
Shao-chan said:
Oh, how inaccurate this turned out to be. =D
To me, that I haven't seen it, it is.
blooregardo said:
To me, that I haven't seen it, it is.
Mh, but it's difficult to judge then, right? ;D After all, it was a whole new apporach to the genre.
Shao-chan said:
Mh, but it's difficult to judge then, right? ;D After all, it was a whole new apporach to the genre.
Except it wasn't a new approach to the genre.
Huh? Yeah, well...okay. I like to think so, though. D: