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I wonder who the flowers are for? The Celestial Being girls?
Hilarious picture. The flowers must be for Sumeragi
gundam wing all over again. jezz Gundam makers...make REAL men not yaoi bishounens...
Didn't you read the producer's comments?
Just like Gundam Seed being derived from the original Mobile Suit Gundam, they are this time trying to make a series that would be derived from Gundam Wing!
....they never once said that. Ever. That's just an internet meme taking way too seriously. Also looks having nothing to do with being a "real man". This is anime and it's just desgins, so who cares?
Seriously, looks have nothing to do with being a "real man". I'm a guy and don't even find anything wrong with it. By your logic, all girls must be yuri bishoujos.