This post has a child post. (post #474853)

cream ke-ta loli naked nipples rumia touhou

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I think I just came...
Please Jugger, keep that info to yourself. There are site rules
this would be at epic level if the artists had drawn the feet
tktk123 said:
this would be at epic level if the artists had drawn the feet
O-O maybe he did? I've had happen a few times where I've started drawing off the page and not notice for a while. It's both a beautiful, and sad thing...

But maybe not...
tktk123 said:
this would be at epic level if the artists had drawn the feet
I 100% agree!
This picture made me go grab a Nutella jar. There should be a tag for bodies covered with chocolate/carmel, just saying.
Use Hersheys for maximum effectiveness.