This post was deleted. Reason: Dupe. MD5: 8f434a9c8bddc8354cef8eddafaffa10
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Any objections to deleting post #5519? It's "higher resolution", but it's really not--it looks like it was scaled down and then back up (doesn't look like JPEG artifacts to me, the lines are all jaggy).

By the way, Blindseer, did the dupe check come up for you when you uploaded this? Noticed you didn't reparent the old post, which the dupe check should have prompted you to do--I just happened to recognize this picture. Just want to make sure the dupe check is working properly, that's all.
I have to say I haven't seen your dupe screen for a couple of days...
Was left off accidentally for a while, I think it's on now...
No, you just uploaded them too closely together. It only updates every few hours.
And when you click on 'Use All Services' It says (Down) against them all.
It's been sporadically down, but it's up right now. shows a local match when it shouldn't. admin2, is CONFIG["local_image_service"]=CONFIG["server_host"] set in local_config.rb?
I'll keep an eye open for any other problems.