
akaza_akari chibi kuena seifuku yuru_yuri

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Seen its Pixiv page, can say that this artist can't draw anything more than chibis.
The most pity character in this season...
blooregardo said:
Seen its Pixiv page, can say that this artist can't draw anything more than chibis.
But the chibis he/she draws are cute
Well, I guess not being able to draw bodies, hands or faces doesn't matter as well as he/she draws cute things.
blooregardo said:
Well, I guess not being able to draw bodies, hands or faces doesn't matter as well as he/she draws cute things.
I don't like his artwork either, but I'm not going to delete them.
blooregardo said:
Well, I guess not being able to draw bodies, hands or faces doesn't matter as well as he/she draws cute things.
Congratulation ! You Sir, found the truth! An assassin from the illuminati is on his way to silence you and everybody that discover the truth about the MOE nature.