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« Previous Next » This post is #3 in the Megami #137 2011-10 pool.
- ? takeuchi masashi 2
- ? fate/stay night 10053
- ? fate/zero 541
- ? saber 3386
- ? sword 30404 fate stay night katana holding sword multiple swords
- Id: 192051
- Posted: over 13 years ago by Elow69
- Size: 4061x5921
- Rating: Safe
- Score: 116
- Favorited by: AnimeFan18, 2087721266, saberon, рен, LainGallagher, Enmashio, xpedro, wewu, okzy520, AmberC, Hoskey, Nooble, JoshySenpai, Veta91, 1095191297, Moon_Serpent, CeruleanShu, BlackMasterSwordman, fzdkx, AlCrz96, ml3722778, Aprexdator, PinHeadNinja, mossad10086, SongoPl, r71152525, 薪火相传, hardstyle, bahamutjr, Shoji_Amasawa, lidenghui4235, Digglett, xu3vup4vu06, Black_Moral, The_Dark_Crusader, dragoncaliber, CDJRC, asd12159229, MoISey, fredomone, 10animallover10, k313588214, Dec., frichies, charles2303, zhaozdi, Splaash.-, suns8, satou55, Mokachuu, svaax, clover, lxy222, InformationHigh, hefestion, nicky_008, Heroin, Anemone, she7a418, XDhahahaXD, Jonnecy, juestchaos, panxita, MumMum, Aoisola, DarkStrike, yamada25, DarkMessiah42, yanis, exlodus, sh07, SomePerson007, NineTails16, bright8484, Ozussu, abo723, mash, reginofchaos, qaz110wsx110, Geopelia, akirawen, Koyomi, devastatorprime, Ihasza, rokiseed, igecoev, 53RG10, syakure9, zlz31301, Alioth, Tonfish, usagi91, Alexkp, narutoXgarcia, Bl4CkAdrian, ast401418, KiNAlosthispassword, oronaldo, danieltang111, dexter09999 (94 more)
over 13 years ago