
abondz megane seifuku

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wait a minute... is she sitting on something or is there a school desk glued on the wall or... I can't quite figure out this picture, it doesn't make any sense
no ... she is sitting on the wall ... no ... she is fallen to the wall ...
a new generation of 3d perspective & gravitation technique !? hmmm
You are thinking too hard, azarel.
Azarel said:
wait a minute... is she sitting on something or is there a school desk glued on the wall or... I can't quite figure out this picture, it doesn't make any sense
cut the image from the white area, that one is the one making this image seems out of place I guess..

the girl is actually sitting on a desk near a blackboard but well, in that kind of pose, I think she'll get a kind of pain in the back soon ^^;
the perspective has come to a point to be totally confusing.