This post has a child post. (post #469470)

areola breasts kanon minase_akiko mitarashi_kousei no_bra open_shirt pantsu yukata

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This artist can make Kanon characters look great... Loving this picture.
Wait, there's no MILF tag? So.... who do we fire for this oversight?
Northlander said:
Wait, there's no MILF tag? So.... who do we fire for this oversight?
I think thats pretty much a pointless tag
Northlander said:
Wait, there's no MILF tag? So.... who do we fire for this oversight?
Go over to donmai for subjective tags/pools.
Ricky92 said:
I think thats pretty much a pointless tag
As I keep suggesting, the only tags worth keeping are artist, circle, fault, characters and copyright.