This post has child posts. (post #8289, 16126)

fixme pastel swimsuits wet yuki_usagi yuuki_haruka

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There's something wrong with the top and bottom of this post. It goes all JPEG artifacty, you can clearly see a line where this transitions.

I tried reloading the pic a few times assuming it was an issue on my end, but it doesn't appear to be.
Eruru said:
There's something wrong with the top and bottom of this post. It goes all JPEG artifacty, you can clearly see a line where this transitions.

I tried reloading the pic a few times assuming it was an issue on my end, but it doesn't appear to be.
Looks perfect to me...
Well spotted. I can see the artifacts on the image.
Matt said:
Looks perfect to me...
Matt, if you display the image out unresized, then scroll from top to bottom. You'll notice 2 points where the quality changes. Look at her right hand (our left), and at around her bum. You'll see perfectly straight lines where the quality differs greatly.
about 16 years ago
looks like when it was scanned they were done in different dpi's