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a function to display how many pics are behind a parent post would be good... i doubt many of those who voted 12 for this pic saw the other pictures...
I'll just unparent them. There's no real need for it here. Still havn't thought of a real solution for the P/C problem...
I would use a Pool to group them, but use P/C for the shota ones.
I'm not sure if I'd classify futanari*2 as shota, but I can see it being close in terms of people wanting to filter it. I'd rather have it added to the default blacklists than P/C it (even though I personally don't care for them). Is there an appropriate tag for it?

I think this set is a good indication of the problem with P/C. The one that was parented is at 13, the rest (even ignoring the, uh, "futanari-shota" or whatever ones) are all around 2.

IMO, this is the single biggest technical issue with the site right now. By the amount it affects a post's visibility, making someone P/C a post is almost the same as having them not post it at all.

From what I remember, the problem you had with blacklists is how it leaves holes in pages. Is that really such a problem for you? It seems to me like P/C is a cure worse than the disease.
I agree with you that P/C is a problem looking for a solution. We will have to make do with it until someone comes up with a more efficient replacement.

There are times when hiding posts from the index is worth doing. Dupes are a good example.

If we did get rid of P/C would you want to use Pools as the only grouping system?

Had a look at and you are right. Used the wrong terminology.
It's not P/C itself that I have a problem with, it's the use of it to hide posts based on content ("some people don't want to see this"). I think we should just let people blacklist, and maybe add to the default blacklist if needed. That's what blacklisting is there for.

We know that blacklists have a problem: they result in holes in the index. But I think that's much better than P/C's problem (nobody ever sees the posts).

Other than how it displays partial pages (and occasionally, even blank pages), do you have any other issues with using blacklists instead of P/C? (Fixing the partial pages is hard, but if you have other problems I might be able to fix them.)

There are times when hiding posts from the index is worth doing.
I agree, I don't have any problem with using it for dupes.
I've no problems with this, but it would be better if we got some feedback from the public at large.
I don't think anyone else has ever really offered much input on this over the few times we've talked about it, but I'll throw a quick post up in the forum.