
alpha harada_taiko honjou_manami iizuki_tasuku itou_maki kimi_to_issho_ni maid norita pantyhose sasano_eri seifuku tachibana_akane tomose_shunsaku yuuki_hagure

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Whatever this is, I need it!
That's a pretty all star list of illustrators for a single game.

I find it kind of amusing that Tomose Shunsaku drew the character with the flattest chest too.
fireattack said:
why no Tsubasu here D:
I would trade Iizuki for Ryohka personally.
Xcalibur said:
I would trade Iizuki for Ryohka personally.
haha.. Tsubasu is indeed in this project, Ryohka isn't.

edit: just found that the character by Tsubasu is a limited char in some periods. And kimi to issho ni 2 is starring Misaki/Shinobu/Santa Matsuri yey
fireattack said:
haha.. Tsubasu is indeed in this project, not like Ryohka.
Tsubasu is good too.
Xcalibur said:

I find it kind of amusing that Tomose Shunsaku drew the character with the flattest chest too.
lol, yeah.
Well, although I am not happy seeing my favorite artists in a mobage game, at least mobage is less notorious than gree and this particular title looks original enough to me.