
ice_&_choco lulusha nanao_naru seifuku

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is it not kokonobi? i always think only kokonobi would draw this kind of eyes.
Cat-eye plaid is scary.
mula3 said:
is it not kokonobi? i always think only kokonobi would draw this kind of eyes.
Nah, it's Naru's new style. (And I love it.) Also, the facial structure is definitely a lot more like Naru's and not Kokonobi's.

A lot of artists are trying out new styles lately; a good thing.
o_O I don't find too much difference .. besides the hair style
It's subtle. :P
Nothing drastic, but very refreshing.
van said:
Cat-eye plaid is scary.
hum…but i mean the girl's eyes.
WtfCakes said:
Nah, it's Naru's new style. (And I love it.) Also, the facial structure is definitely a lot more like Naru's and not Kokonobi's.
A lot of artists are trying out new styles lately
thanks.... because in my mind i haven't seen naru's pupillas like this.and i often recognize the artists by this way
Oh you mean pupils? Recently lots of artists start draw smaller pupils.. new fashion perhaps repeated it several times.
fireattack said: repeated it several times.
i'm sorry. there are some problems on my mobilephone. when i delete the repeats,it would send the previous comments mobilephone also eat the part of replying wtfcakes.
i have deleted the repeats.

fireattack said:
Oh you mean pupils? Recently lots of artists start draw smaller pupils.. new fashion perhaps
yes.i mean the pupilla.....hum,maybe the new fashion makes me diffcult to recognize the artists'illustrations.....