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As with most split images, the colors never quite match across the parts, so no matter how much I fiddle with the gap, there's always a band as the colors shift a bit. I wonder if that's an issue when scanning (eg. auto-levelling--though that would probably cause much wider color differences) or if the two source pages just don't match (pages printed in different batches without color matching, etc).

Any ideas for how to match them? It seems like it should be fixable either with curves or HSB adjustment, but I can never get it to match, and trying to join the gap without fixing that is a nightmare (ends up banding).
petopeto said:
As with most split images, the colors never quite match across the parts, so no matter how much I fiddle with the gap, there's always a band as the colors shift a bit. I wonder if that's an issue when scanning (eg. auto-levelling--though that would probably cause much wider color differences) or if the two source pages just don't match (pages printed in different batches without color matching, etc).

Any ideas for how to match them? It seems like it should be fixable either with curves or HSB adjustment, but I can never get it to match, and trying to join the gap without fixing that is a nightmare (ends up banding).
I'm just wondering this here. When ya scan, are they separate papers ya are scanning or conjoined but ya still scan them separate?