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garter haiyore!_nyaruko-san naked_apron nyaruko ono_kazumi

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Almost as bad as the series.
Radioactive said:
Almost as bad as the series.
you said that right :/
dropped it after episode 2 -_-"
It was a slow motion car wreck.
i saw the preview of the was good...watched one eyes were bleeding..
Somehow I watched all the episodes of this series.
Some moments are entertaining, but most of it is terrible.
Believe or not, this anime ranked at top on niconico.
Why you don't like this anime? I kinda like it. Though I have to admit the hollier-than-thou male character is pissing off so much. But Nyaruko is sooo cute ^_^ and I particularly like her voice actress.
gon777 said:
Believe or not, this anime ranked at top on niconico.
Popularity does not equal quality. The world seems set on providing endless examples of this.
This show was hilarious. Guess some people just don't know how to have fun.