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armor breasts date_a_live habe_takashi pantsu sword thighhighs yatogami_tooka

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What is wrong with her body ;_;
Nothing, she's just as good as naked.
Raineee said:
What is wrong with her body ;_;
I agree...something here is wrong...her body looks so... Uneven... I mean.. I see her boob.. I'm looking down and then her body becomes... Wrong...
Oneesama said:
I agree...something here is wrong...her body looks so... Uneven... I mean.. I see her boob.. I'm looking down and then her body becomes... Wrong...
She just has an insanely (unnaturally) thin waist.
I'd like to think that the sword is distorting her form but I don't think that's the case here.
top left part of the blade shows some of her boob, gives a better image of her body >>
Her waist is too high and too thin. More of that black area under her left arm should be body.