
flandre_scarlet rby touhou wings

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Frandle is one of her name's other official spellings. Its used pretty often in Japan.
You do realize Japan doesn't know the difference between 'L' and 'R', right...?
WtfCakes said:
You do realize Japan doesn't know the difference between 'L' and 'R', right...?
Hence all the "Engrish" jokes. Though it is kinda adorable to see em try to speak it, better than nothing.
lyrick said:
Frandle is one of her name's other official spellings. Its used pretty often in Japan.
Wen Ingorisu worudo wazu toransuretido to Japanizu, theia puronaunsu aruweizu havu sutoreinji cheinji. Japanizu donto havu difurensu bituin L ando R. Ifu yuu kan riddo jisu santensu, konguratyuresyon, yuu rearundo Japanizu-Ingorisu veri weru.
It's too easy to understand, even.