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carnelian hyouga_natsu leotard mimasaka_kira mix! suga_ran trap

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Better quality than the other post.
Great pic but what the hell is on the right side!!!!!! -0-""""""
I'd like to know what's on the left side too. w
That... aint what I would really call a trap, but Im not gonna argue.
NT110 said:
That... aint what I would really call a trap, but Im not gonna argue.
Which "that"?
NT110 said:
That... aint what I would really call a trap, but Im not gonna argue.
Umm, that's because spoiler.
Drag queen on the right, trap on the left, then what is in the middle? If you told me it was a nuke that will go off when you touch the red ribbon, I wouldn't be surprised by now... Considering the two other choices, it must be something terrible.
Must. Resist. Temptation...
The middle one is the bait for the trap. Every thorn has its rose.
for those wondering what is the middle...
just added tags, have fun
__( :3 _」∠)__
Cool! Is it coincidence that mimasaka kira brings up images on Google of a soccer player with almost the same name? Lol
Oh I see now. Heh heh. spoiler Ha love it!
Let's just hope we never see some kind of bizarre gay development between the two.