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Infernal: should really work on your color adjustments.
I had no idea about that for years,I think I have to buy a better scanner later.
You can try auto exposure, scan preview the page with the darkest and lightest areas and turn auto exposure on, then scan rest of book with those settings.

By the by, are these actual raws or did you apply some light filters? Because the screening noise is very low compared to typical raws.
I did'nt do anything except scanning.If I did,then my scanner will automatically turned it into jpg
WtfCakes said:
You can try auto exposure, scan preview the page with the darkest and lightest areas and turn auto exposure on, then scan rest of book with those settings.

By the by, are these actual raws or did you apply some light filters? Because the screening noise is very low compared to typical raws.
he put auto-descreening on in the scanner, I think...also please put a black paper/paper board on the back of the pic when scanning. the scans of dengeki hime are not that satisfying due to the bleed through( you have to put a black paper on pics of dengeki hime, the paper is too thin), I will try to rescan a few of them again sometime later.
I simply taped black board paper onto lid of my scanner. ( ゚▽゚)/
WtfCakes said:
I simply taped black board paper onto lid of my scanner. ( ゚▽゚)/
orz...if you scan clear file, you probably need a white background...
I always put white board paper inside of clear files when scanning.
milumon had already asked me to deal with the bleedthrough,but I don't have any blackboard or paper,I decide to buy some blackpaper these days and rescan those in dengekihime of last month.
Twinsenzw said:
he put auto-descreening on in the scanner, I think...also please put a black paper/paper board on the back of the pic when scanning. the scans of dengeki hime are not that satisfying due to the bleed through( you have to put a black paper on pics of dengeki hime, the paper is too thin), I will try to rescan a few of them again sometime later.
去网纹选项我真没选...扫描仪是好多年前买的便宜货canon lide110,我早就放弃更改任何设置了,就等迟些换台好点的扫描仪,为了黑纸的问题迷2路都快来砍我了