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It is said WA2 is a great series to get people out of otaku-ism. I'm interested in it.
yanzx1993 said:
It is said WA2 is a great series to get people out of otaku-ism. I'm interested in it.
WtfCakes said:
Assuming he should be talking about the eroge, it's a general rule that eroge adaptations always suck.
The "get out of otaku-ism" part was what was boggling me more lol.
But yeah what you said is true also.
yanzx1993 said:
It is said WA2 is a great series to get people out of otaku-ism.
That would be good.
yanzx1993 said:
It is said WA2 is a great series to get people out of otaku-ism. I'm interested in it.