
dress heterochromia niya tidsean

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A gorgeous girl with blue liquid in glass!
ikyo said:
A gorgeous girl with blue liquid in glass!
Must be some sort of cocktail. She looks like she is attending a party.
there's a great blue/indigo drink called indigo envy, consisting of sprite mixed with blue curacao and cherry vodka. highly recommended sweet drink
I don't think this is heterochromia. Both eyes are the same color. I think there are different colors being reflected in her eyes but her actual eye color is the same in both eyes.
datavore said:
I don't think this is heterochromia. Both eyes are the same color. I think there are different colors being reflected in her eyes but her actual eye color is the same in both eyes.
Not according to the pixiv tags.
datavore said:
I don't think this is heterochromia. Both eyes are the same color. I think there are different colors being reflected in her eyes but her actual eye color is the same in both eyes.
How did you assume all that in the first place?
KingGidora said:
How did you assume all that in the first place?
By looking at the picture. But I guess if the artist says her eyes are different colors who am I to argue. Maybe it's colors I can't see very well. I was going by what I actually saw. The pixiv site doesn't work that well on my tablet so I hadn't seen the source before I posted.