
cleavage kurugaya_yuiko little_busters! naoe_riki no_bra thighhighs zen

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I'm really impressed by LBRF so far...Put Yuiko's story right before revealing the secret is a perfect solution. The scenery itself is also qualified.

yanzx1993 said:
I'm really impressed by LBRF so far...Put Yuiko's story right before revealing the secret is a perfect solution. The scenery itself is also qualified.

Yes, this is the best and the only solution for that!
:/ ... I quit playing Little Busters after a little while. All I wanted was Kurugaya's ending and only to find out that the ending was extremely depressing ... and I have to beat the whole freaking thing and get Refrain then play her route again (I believe). I hear it is worth it. But the time ...

Might as well just watch the second season.