
aizawa_inori microsoft thighhighs wallpaper

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IE is just starting to get cooler.

Approaching otakus as their customers, what a nice strategy.
I bet people are going to use it even if it's still slow.
Otakus are somehow idiots as hell, they only want the anime bishojous printed on the shell, and don't care how's the product itself.

They would like to buy character endorsed candy even if it tastes shit, and use the character painted cup made by recycled plastic, and sleep with a pillows character's color distorted, so it's not strange that they use an explorer lack of speed.
Everyone knows that IE is as slow as my grandma so why the heck dare this artist to set the browser as a teen girl?
Microsoft.....this is not the first time they do this...and this is not the only one.
I see much rape and degradation in this characters future on this site...
CrossHack said:
IE is just starting to get cooler.
Well, it couldn't get any worse could it?
yanzx1993 said:
Everyone knows that IE is as slow as my grandma so why the heck dare this artist to set the browser as a teen girl?
Ironicly IE10 and 11 is fastest browser out there right now, it' have example 50% faster Javascript engine then the closrest second. But lets ignore this and continue to hate IE.

That said, while it might be fastest and currently the browser who follow the standard the best ( yes really ) it lacks so many other things that make browsing the internet nicer, aka proper plugin support / user scripts and so on, and this is why I won't use it.

But if you plan to hate it, at least hate it on the right stuff.
MugiMugi said:
Ironicly IE10 and 11 is fastest browser out there right now, it' have example 50% faster Javascript engine then the closrest second. But lets ignore this and continue to hate IE.

That said, while it might be fastest and currently the browser who follow the standard the best ( yes really ) it lacks so many other things that make browsing the internet nicer, aka proper plugin support / user scripts and so on, and this is why I won't use it.

But if you plan to hate it, at least hate it on the right stuff.
Yeah it's really fast when "naked", but after installing some functionally basic plugins it would be much slower (pretty much as what you mentioned). At times I still use IE cuz some of the personally very important sites could only surfed by IE.