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This version is including color adjust and little crease fix.
Choose whatever you'd like.
Unfortunately I forgot color adjusting method of the old post.
post #272142 still looks the best. Your denoising caused much color loss and that either needs to be fixed though some color manipulation or your denoising process. It looks like you just use the standard photoshop denoising (forgot what it was called. Remove noise or something like that). The color loss is very typical of that kind of filter.

I haven't had PS installed in a few months so i cannot put any sample denoising at the moment.
aoie_emesai said:
post #272142 still looks the best. Your denoising caused much color loss and that either needs to be fixed though some color manipulation or your denoising process. It looks like you just use the standard photoshop denoising. That color loss is very typical of that kind of filter.

I haven't had PS installed in a few months so i cannot put any sample denoising at the moment.
I remember denoise filter of the old post.
It's Greyc (st60, 0.8, 0.5, 1, 1, gauss0.8).
This time is Gaussian 0.6px and Neat Image.
I think too that the old post color is better.
but I forgot how to do.
You have the unedited version correct? Otherwise it'd be impossible. I mean to reproduce it.

You'll have to name/identify those numbers, i cannot remember each consecutive parameters.

Most of the setting does squat except for a few very specific purposes. Spatial and Angular with iteration (3) is very good for cleaning heavy texture such as paper texture.